Title: Babe Pierotti Is Winner in Pitching Duel With McCarthy
Area: San Francisco
Year: 1923
Note: While not confirmed, team name likely refers to Oscar Vitt, a product of the sandlots in San Francisco, who played in major leagues starting in 1912.
Title: Playing The Game Because They Like It
Area: Alameda
Year: 1928
Team: Oakland N.S.G.W, Melrose Merchants, Poplar Candy, Fruitvale, Vitt Grays
Descripton: See caption above picture for details.
Back row (left to right): William Crosby (mgr of Oakland N.S.G.W. No. 50), George Drew (second sacker for the Melrose Merchants), Carl Kamb (youthful pitcher for the Poplar Candy)
Front row (left to right): Pete Rattazi, (ss for Fruitvale), Bill Bare (third sacker for Vitt Grays)