Cannery Union Aguilas
Area: Sacramento
Year: circa 1945
Back row (left to right): Ed Trujillo, Paul Santiez, Pete Pinon, Tino Marquez, Chuck Lara Ron Hashbuck, Joe Pinon, Dick Alejo, Dick Michael, Jim Westlake, Brian Ross, and Manuel Marquez.
Front row (left to right): Bus Davila, Candy Arellano, Tony Guido (bat boy), Rogert Rojo, Tony Rojo, Mike Hernandez, Manuel Vasquez, and Ray Marquez.
Cannery Union Aguilas
Area: Sacramento
Year: 1959
Description: The Cannery Union team, winner of the local Connie Mack League baseball championship, will represent Sacramento this weekend in the Northern California Tournament at Edmonds Field.
Back row (left to right): Coach John Zetz, Jim Chenu, Jack Anderson, Jack Shenk, Russell Dennis, Frank Stewart, Don Zetz, Mike Elorduy, Dick Allis, Coach Jerry Treska Sr.
Front row (left to right): John Greenwood, John Stassi, John Gunter, Stan Dodson, Val Lewis, Jim Astin, Don Marquardt, Preston Young, Tony Migliaccio
Batboy: Don Tresca
Cannery Union Aguilas
Area: Sacramento
Year: 1968
Description: Banquet to celebrate team having won the Mexican-American League title was held at Español restaurant in downtown Sacramento.
Back row (left to right): Dick Alejo, Ray Marquez, Ron Hassleback, Dick Michael, Tony Rojo, Joe Pinon, Chuck Lotta
Middle row (left to right): Jim Westlake, Manuel Vasquez, Candy Arellano, Manuel Marquez, Roger Rojo, Tino Marquez
Front row (left to right): Butter Cole (union rep.), Buzz Davila (coach), Mike Hernandez, Julian Florduy (union rep.)
Title: Gold Nuggets, Cannery Union, and Johnny's Time Out
Area: Sacramento
Year: 1964
Team: Gold Nugget, Cannery Union, Johnny's Time Out
Description: See caption below picture for details.
Title: Nugget Tops Cannery, Wins Title
Area: Sacramento
Year: 1969 (Sept. 1)
Team: Gold Nugget, Cannery Union
Description: See article above for details.
Title: M-A League Will Open Tomorrow
Area: Sacramento
Year: 1969
Team: Gold Nugget, Cannery Union, Johnny's Time Out, Sacramento Smokeys
Description: See article above for details.
Cannery Union & Julius' Style Shop
Area: Sacramento
Year: 1969
Description: See caption below picture for details.
Cannery Union & Julius' Style Shop
Area: Sacramento
Year: 1969
Description: See caption below picture for details.
Title: Canners' Heinitz One-Hits W&B For 5-0 Triumph
Area: Sacramento
Year: 1971
Title: Canners Aid Cal-Loan To First Half Title
Area: Sacramento
Year: 1971 (Oct. 25)